© 2022 Grupo de Investigación en Ciencias Químicas y Forenses | Política de privacidad | Colaborar | Contacto
Currently, CINQUIFOR is participating in a campaign called CSI Alcalá: Science for Social Problems, aimed at individuals, associations and companies interested in contributing to and improving some of the lines of research we work on. One of the fundamental premises, as could not be otherwise, is maximum transparency in the management of the contributions received and its unique and exclusive dedication to being able to offer quality research. These donations include tax benefits in accordance with articles 19, 20 and 21 of Law 49/2002 of 23 December on the tax regime for non-profit organisations and tax incentives for patronage.

Collaborate with us - Donation

CINQUIFOR is a research group whose main objective is to transfer the results of its research to society. Not in vain, we work around a principle that says "You yourself must be the change you want to see in the world". Since its recognition in 2010 (as a Forensic Chemistry Research Group, formerly INQUIFOR) until today, CINQUIFOR has become a reference in Forensic Science research, carrying out work focused on making up for the lack of real scientific research in the forensic field at a national level. Despite the fact that we work tirelessly to be able to continue with our research activity, the difficulty of achieving national and European research projects is real, and especially pronounced when it comes to financing research in Forensic Sciences. Collaborating with CINQUIFOR provides, in addition to the personal satisfaction of participating in a project that is useful for society as a whole, tax advantages for both individuals and companies.

How to donate

If you are interested in collaborating with us, here we explain the two ways you can choose to do so In any case, and since we maintain a fluid communication with the Patronage Unit of the UAH, in charge of managing all donations received, we would appreciate if you could contact us in advance to inform us of any contribution. Donation platform A simple and quick way to collaborate with us is to do so through the donation platform that the UAH makes available to those interested. It is compulsory to fill in a form, which is necessary for the Patronage Unit to contact you once the donation has been made. This will allow them to have your details so that they can send you a letter of thanks and a certificate of donation to cover your tax deductions. In step 1 (donation) you must enter the amount you wish to collaborate with and select the Research and Innovation project. In step 2 you can indicate if you have any relationship with the University of Alcalá. Here it is important that you indicate the purpose of the donation in the comments, putting the name of our campaign: CSI Alcalá. In step 3 you have to enter your personal and contact data. Finally, in step 4 you must select the payment method. Here you have two options: card or transfer. The latter is simply used so that, at the end of the process, you can see the account number to which you would later have to make the donation (I.B.A.N UAH). If, on the other hand, you choose to pay by card and click on "Go to payment", a security window will appear for you to enter the payment details and verify it. This is where the donation will be. Bank transfer The second way to collaborate is through a direct transfer to the UAH patronage account: ES30 0049 6692 8320 1621 6093 Since the Patronage Unit will also send you a donation certificate and a letter of thanks, it is necessary that you add, as a concept of transfer, MECENAZGO CSI Alcalá - Nombre Apellido_1 (Surname_2) - Tfno./e-mail. If you have previously carried out the whole procedure through the donation platform and have chosen the transfer option, Mecenazgo would already have all your details, which would be checked against this transfer. If not, the contact telephone number or e-mail address you provide will be used by Mecenazgo to contact you personally and ask you for the details needed to send you the donation certificate and letter of thanks. If you have any doubts about how to make the donation, you can contact us, or directly the UAH Patronage Unit, which will be able to resolve any questions about the procedure to be followed, the impact of your collaboration or the tax incentives you can benefit from.

CSI Alcalá


CINQUIFOR is very conscious of its mission to contribute to society through its research results. For this reason, in addition to the research projects underway and active participation in both national and international programmes, it is also involved in and committed to transferring the results achieved, in order to solve major social problems such as terrorism, sexual assault, drugs, gender violence and suicide.
Grupo de investigación de la Universidad de Alcalá